Medical Centre Annadal
More than 40 companies are located in Medical Centre Annadal, almost all of them related to health care, an overview:
Apotheek Annadal
AZM (mumc)
CES (Centre for European Studies)
Cosmetique Pura
Cura Clinic
Diëtistenpraktijk Annadal
DC Klinieken Maastricht
Ergotherapie Zuid Limburg
Fysiotherapie Wijnands
Huisartsenpraktijk de Poort
Huisartsenpraktijk Nijst & Haesen
Huisarts Noel Geraedts
Maastricht Housing
Orthopaedie 2000
Osteopathie Morgenstern
Praktijk Haptotherapie Maastricht
Praktijk Janine Langner
Praktijk voor kaakfysio en acupunctuur Horsch
Psychologie praktijk Hageman
Reinaert Kliniek
Smeets Loopcomfort
Starters Valley
Stichting Huisartsencentrum Annadal
Stichting Studenten Huisvesting
Toprevalidatie Wijkel
Travel Clinic (de beer)
Universiteit van Maastricht
Verloskundigen praktijk Maastricht
Wolters Orthopedie
Voetzorg Maastricht

Medical Center Annadal houses also a number of clinics of Maastricht UMC +.
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 07.30 a.m. to 16.00 p.m..
- Wednesday from 07.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Living in Maastricht
Working in Maastricht